This adorable blue-eyed, squishy cheek doll baby was the easiest child under the age of 4 that I think I have ever worked with. Ever. “She just started walking this week” her Mom Rebekah beamed. Yep, that explains it. I caught her just right – in between the sitting and playing with the grass, looking down and putting anything found within reaching distance in her mouth and the “as fast as you may be you can never catch me” phase. She wobbled back and forth, unsteady on her feet and unsure what those jelly-like things were under her, tipping to the front, no the back, wait..oh no…is she…gonna fall, should I catch her…oh wait….nope! she’s hanging on tight! – can you believe she never fell? not once! You could tell she was just as proud of herself, smiling and clapping while her parents cheered her on. And look at that smile people, it’s the smile of a very loved little girl…who is totally used to a camera.
Thanks Rebekah and Stew for having me capture this exciting step in her life, literally. (and should I mention that I remember when Rebekah and I were just little gals ourselves, all dressed up in flower girl dresses in the wedding of my aunt & her uncle some 20+ years ago! No she has her own little girl to dress up…WOW 🙂
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